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report 2008
Buena Vista Creek Ecological Reserve (CNLM No:S037) Annual Report
Lead author: Markus Spiegelberg
This report summarizes the management activities carried out at the Buena Vista Ecological Reserve (Reserve) by the Center for Natural Lands Management?s (CNLM or Center) during the 2007-2008 fiscal year (October 1 to September 30). These management activities were developed based on the management guidelines of the Buena Vista Creek Ecological Reserve Management and Funding Agreement (MFA) signed in August of 2007 (CNLM/CDFG 2007) between the Center and the California Department of Fish and Game (CDFG) and from the Buena Vista Creek Ecological Reserve Annual Work Plan (AWP) for the 2007-2008 fiscal year. Associated with the MFA and AWP is a detailed Property Analysis Record (PAR) and yearly budget, which outlines a list of management tasks and costs that were agreed upon during CNLM?s negotiations with CDFG. CDFG has held title to the Reserve since approximately March 2007 and CNLM manages it pursuant to the MFA (as of August 2007) and agreed upon annual work plans.